Tackling, Regulating & Co-opting AI w/ Necktie UI invention

Patents Pending

Computer was originally a person! Prior to the machine being called a computer, it was called a Difference Engine. In other words, the Computer, as we know it, came into existence with a simple declaration of a system, which had been integrated from various sources. But to the uninitiated, it was still an “electronic gizmo.”

The point is: To make the leap from a mere “electronic gizmo” to “computer,” the strength is in the Metaphor User Interface.

Though the Computer metaphor UI is better than Robot or Android, the arrangement — made possible by the metaphor UI — sets the user at the same level as the machine. The demerits of this arrangement is that it does not take into consideration the user’s strengths and has a trajectory of supplanting and enslaving humans to the point of extinction. Self-thinking or autonomous systems are extremely dangerous to man (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016).

Nick Bostrom writes, introducing his book on Superintelligence:

“The human brain has some capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that our species owes its dominant position. Other animals have stronger muscles or sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains. If machine brains one day come to surpass human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could become very powerful. As the fate of the gorillas now depends more on us humans than on the gorillas themselves, so the fate of our species then would come to depend on the actions of the machine superintelligence.”

Continue reading “Tackling, Regulating & Co-opting AI w/ Necktie UI invention”

Hackers to use AI in the future – Researchers

Deccan Chronicle (22 February 2018)

Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are raising risks that malicious users will soon exploit the technology to mount automated hacking attacks, cause driverless car crashes or turn commercial drones into targeted weapons, a new report warns.

The study, published on Wednesday by 25 technical and public policy researchers from Cambridge, Oxford and Yale universities along with privacy and military experts, sounded the alarm for the potential misuse of AI by rogue states, criminals and lone-wolf attackers.

The researchers said the malicious use of AI poses imminent threats to digital, physical and political security by allowing for large-scale, finely targeted, highly efficient attacks. The study focuses on Continue reading “Hackers to use AI in the future – Researchers”

Operation Agape TiE®

Anna Motupalli

21st September 2017

Dear Elders & Members of the Bride of Christ,

Greetings in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

This free gift worth $1000 comes to you today on my dear wife’s (Anna Motupalli) birthday under the banner of Operation Agape TiE®, which is really Operation Bride or Operation Beulah!

At the outset we want to make it clear that this Tech Missionary & Son of David is able to bring this $1000 gift to each member of the Bride of Christ through the freewill offerings by individual local churches and their leaders of their “tithe of the tithe” (Num18:26).

Our calling is based on Matt27:59 and Rev19:8, which means our ministry is for the whole universal Church as a Church of churches, namely to “tie” (divine-connect) all the local churches together as one body of Christ and present her as a Bride, comprising 144,000 Called & Chosen & Faithful (Rev17:14), which together with “a great multitude which no one could count” (Rev7:9) we are calling Agape® Kingdom with the status of a nation. This kingdom is conceptualised as a “community on the cloud.” It is basically a social media, custom designed for the Christian community. We get to have spiritual communion through it better than Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or even through real life meetings. By that i mean, we get to know each other’s spirit, not merely our appearances, as is the case with physical interactions in real life. As i shared with you earlier, please hold such spiritual communions in high esteem. But we do understand the demerits of Facebook and WhatsApp to the youth, who are becoming glued to it for entertainment and other illicit activity. It is another reason why we want to wean them from dirty social media and other internet sites and provide a clean and safe environment for Christians to enjoy community in a Gospel-centred and Christ-headed (not mere Christ-centred) manner (i.e. in Christocracy).

At Agape® Kingdom we include unbelievers and non-Christians, who are searching for the Truth or who simply appreciate the Lord Jesus Christ and His ministry. But the Bride of Christ, comprising 144,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful (Rev17:14), enjoys the eThrone with Christ. At AgapeKingdom.org , we are giving a unique gift to local church Servants of God and Pastors worldwide who can offer their baptized church members and in good standing, a tie to Agape® Kingdom for citizenship there. We hope Agape Kingdom will offer a foretaste of the heavenly kingdom we will experience when we actually go to be with God.

Tools to unite your congregation’s diaspora

In addition to the above Christian-community-universal-church-service at Agape® Kingdom to EACH church member, as a complementary gift to Servants of God, who will join, we are giving the following, which are worth over $1000 USD/member, for FREE (no traps) with a freewill-offering of ANY amount received only from local Church Pastors, who are shepherding a church having at least two or three members, forming a binding corporate entity (Matt18:20), which is recognised in Agape® Kingdom. The Pastor can stay engaged or “tied” with their flock 24×7 with this through special permits given them in Agape® Kingdom. The tools are:

Agape TiE® Ecosystem – Home

Persona Extender | EoT | eThrone

Patent pending Agape TiE® Ecosystem – Home, which is a tie of all appliances in the home, including home security, TV, AC, DVD player, Audio system, Projector, Fans and Lights, all of which can be controlled from the mobile;


Person® Transhuman Experience

Co-opted AI | Augmentation

Transhuman Experience, such as one that the patriarch Adam enjoyed before the fall. This is our goods & service of Restoration or Engineering Divinity (sanctification and holiness and dominion) by co-opting AI; and

Agape TiE® Professional Experience

The Experience comes through a reconfiguration of your smartphone using the Necktie Metaphor Environment/Metaphor UI invention, which requires no new purchase of hardware such as a new smartphone from us. Since most models are about the same essentially, existing smartphone of your’s is reconfigured with a smartphone case along with the above two software, namely Agape TiE® Ecosystem (Home) and Person® Transhuman Experience. The smartphone case has a beige (golden yellow) marble finish for your choice of model of phone (300 models of brands available to pick from) that you are currently using. (We are in the process of preparing a simple selection process for members to pick their current mobile’s model number and brand during registration on AgapeKingdom.org site. Free shipping included worldwide! Stay tuned!) See picture below of model case, which will come with your photo on it that is taken from your profile picture on Agape® Kingdom Cloud, to indicate that you-as-a-member-of-the-body are divinely tie’d or grafted to the Vine, who is the Head seated on the “tie’d neck”. This TiE’d Neck is the eThrone for the Head to sit on in the Agape TiE® Ecosystem-Global. All Servants of Christ who hold positions in the Body of Christ according to 1Cor12:28 & 1Cor11:3 will also have their place on the eThrone, just as the Lord had promised in Rev3:21. This is our corporate preparation as one virgin Bride (Matt25:1ff), not mere individual preparation as virgins without blemish, to receive the Bridegroom and King of kings.

FREE Agape TiE® Mobile itself in exchange for your used button phone. Offer available only for genuine Christian brethren who register with a testimony of a born-again experience at Agape® Kingdom Cloud as and when stock is available from time to time. Stay tuned!

Thus, Agape TiE® is designed for those Professionals of Christ in particular who are truly practitioners of good (love) and bear fruit in the form of holy GOODS & SERVICES, which are the righteous acts of the saints, serving as a covering of fine-linen cloth for the Bride/Body of Christ (Rev19:8; Matt27:59; 1Tim2:9-10NKJV).

Thank you and God bless you with much fruit!

And God bless Agape Kingdom!

Thus says the One in me on Oct 2, 2017:

“I will come to you, and I will bless you” (Ex20:24c).

Abiding in His grip,

Caleb | Tech Missionary & Agape Ambassador

రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | בית לחם
Agape® JUST Labs
29-37-31 El-ur Road (Upstairs)
Vijayawada -520002, AP, India
Phone: +91.99896.47774

Engineering Divinity: Simplified

Person™“The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.” (Ps29:11)

“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Dan11:32b NKJV)

As people of Love, our vocation must be to offer the world’s greatest GOODS & SERVICES, which is the original intention behind the term “goods & services” — necessary fruit, as an evidence of our being born-again.

The ability to empathise is another part and parcel of who we are as Christians. So it is easy for us to place ourselves in the shoes of our customers and clients and see from their point of view what they need most.

It is with empathy that i came up with the idea of Extended Persona. It is something that revokes the autonomy of the AI machine and gives control to the user without him having to abdicate power to the machine, which substitutes humans and is all set to bring 47% unemployment. All this is done while augmenting the user’s persona by co-opting AI through the novel hierarchical-complimentary or person-extender arrangement made possible by the Persona Extender Metaphor UI. The strength is in the Metaphor User Interface, or put it bluntly, in the name itself, just as it was the case with the Computer, which came into existence with a simple declaration of a system that was put together! In other words, in the year 1938 they said, “Behold, the Computer,” today we say of a similar system, “Behold, your Extender.” So to put the invention in a nutshell: I am Caleb and there is this “Extended Caleb” or Extended <YOUR NAME>, which is made up of some AI features that are at your command. It makes me or you a transhuman, smarter or even godlike a function that is desired by almost all humans — and into which we are growing into “from glory to glory” (2Cor3:18) “for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2Thess2:14). That is, into the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our goal is making Christian users, godlike (engineering divinity), restoring them to the state they were in before the Fall of mankind in Genesis. This can be achieved only through a brand of Extended Persona, such as Person® — a suggestive mark hinting at the transhuman or godlike or original person that one can experience becoming upon wearing our goods.

This is vision & mission of AgapeJUST [P] Ltd. — a company that we recently launched here in India.

Thanks for your challenging questions, comments, suggestions, advise. They will be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

“…a merchant man…when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it” (Matt 13:45,46).



PERSON® — Design for Transhumanity/Divinity

White Paper

Faith shows! So apart from who we are in Christ internally (i.e. already divine AND immortal by virtue of being grafted to the vine and receiving the sap/Spirit/Word – Jn10:35), which is all that matters to God, our façade or persona (i.e. what we did with our faith) distinguishes us from our Christian brothers and sisters. Of course, a façade by itself is nothing if there is no content–the “beauty of holiness” of the inner man.

Secondly, we are living in a “connection economy” (Seth Godin). So PERSON® is not merely about who a person is from conception, but who he is in connection with, not only physically but also spiritually/wordily/technologically (Jer1:5; Luke1:44; 1Cor7:14; cf. Jn6:63).

To the question, “What would you say is the best thing in the world?” …

For, to be united with the divine is to become more and more divine!

Mission: Rehabilitate the faithful to their genesis perfect/divine state using:

Person® is not an unemploying, enslaving or parasitic “wear” or robot-in-sheep’s-clothing (competition) but an ecosafe design for rehabilitating man to his genesis perfect state, patent pending as Augmented and Extended Persona (US 13/516,443).  With both blue-collar and white-collar jobs being gobbled up by the beast, a severe, sustained, global recession is well underway. “We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.” Unless the safe Ecosystem™ (Pan-Environment Super Cyborg) against #MachineTyranny, terrorism, and globalization is deployed, mankind is asking for extinction (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016). The Super Cyborg is a result of yoking and reinventing the network-is-the-super-computer and “making it safe” (Deut22:8MSG).

But wear, we must, strength (Isa52:1). Apart from the transhuman experience, wearing PERSON® can also be thought of as “putting on Christ” (Rom13:14) with the system enabling you to do what Jesus would do in a particular situation, even proactively. For, “the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1Jn3:7).

Our plan is to colabor (1Cor3:9) with God and align with His plan of filling us with His fullness (Eph3:19b) by offering a trans-humaniser or persona extender for becoming perfect, over on top of being “complete in Him” (Col2:10), having put on Christ (Rom13:14). Thus rehabilitating man to his original perfect state. It is for those who have already been initiated into divinity and in good standing, availing Engineering Divinity – 101.

It is based on the premise that Adam is a son of God (Luke3:38) and therefore divine. “When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God.” (Gen5:1b MSG). Apostle Bakht Singh, in the book, “Fullness of God,” says:

“God gave the first man Adam a very strong and healthy body to enable him to have dominion, authority and power over the whole creation (Gen1:26). “

With the fall, however, Adam got cutoff (disconnected) and lost fellowship with God. Thereby he lost divinity, being no longer spiritual, having no access to eat of the tree of life. Along with divinity, Adam also lost dominion, authority, and power, which are needed to care for planet earth.

When we speak of dominion, power and authority, we are not speaking about lording it over others for its own sake. Our patent pending Christocratic New World Order & Government, made possible by Agape TiE® Ecosystem™, lends itself to real servants of God, precluding anyone from lording it over those in bride-space, as per the promise, “I will make you the head and not the tail.”

Enter Christ in the fullness of time, and now divinity is being restored to mankind even as Continue reading “PERSON® — Design for Transhumanity/Divinity”